Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Safeguard Protection at Honda Cars of Bradenton

Safeguards protection is an integral part of our busness. The Gramm-Leach-Bliley (GLB) act was passed in 1999. This federal legislation is intended to protect the privacy of individuals who offer non-public personal information to finacial institutions in the course of business transactions. May,23 2003 the section of the GLB act known as the "Safeguards Rule" became effective. The law provides that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) will serve as the enforcement agency for GLB and the Safeguards rule. We at Honda Cars of Bradenton are committed to protecting our customers personal infomation. For more information on the GLB act or the Safeguards rule contact one of our safeguard members at Honda Cars of Bradenton..

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