Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Honda Environmental Vision

Realizing “the Joy and Freedom of Mobility” and “a Sustainable Society where People Can Enjoy Life”

In 2010, Honda announced within and beyond its organization that the company’s direction in the period leading to the year 2020 would be “to provide good products to our customers with speed, affordability and low CO2 emissions.”By “good products” we mean to embody customers’ wants and needs in attractive products using Honda’s unique technologies, knowledge and ingenuity. Such good products must be delivered with speed without making our customers wait, and at affordable prices that make our customers happy with their purchase. This is the direction Honda will take.“With low CO2 emissions” represents our conviction based on the strong sense of crisis that, as a manufacturer of personal mobility, Honda will have no future unless we achieve a significant reduction of CO2 emissions.This focus is encapsulated in the Honda Environmental Vision of a future in which environmental initiatives will allow people to realize “the joy and freedom of mobility” and “a sustainable society where people can enjoy life.” In this vision, Honda has expressed its strong determination to contribute to a society based on sustainability and harmony so that it can continue to offer excitement to its customers through products and services used for personal mobility and in people’s everyday lives.Honda is determined to turn this vision into reality by actively implementing environmental initiatives on a global level. Particular emphasis will be placed on the following aspects:
At each stage of its products’ life cycles (products, corporate activities), Honda aims toMinimize the use of fossil fuel and resources newly recovered from the EarthMinimize environmental impacts, including greenhouse gas emissions
Honda aims to reduce to zero greenhouse gas emissions from Honda products used for mobility and in people’s everyday lives

Honda global environmental slogan

Blue Skies for Our Children

“Blue Skies for Our Children” is the global environmental slogan adopted by Honda to express its commitment to the realization of this environmental vision through expanded environmental initiatives.The Honda engineers who took on the challenge to meet the stringent new emissions standards of the 1970s U.S. Clean Air Act, used the phrase “blue skies for our children” as a passionate rallying cry to devote themselves to this effort. Honda wants to pass on the “joy and freedom of mobility to the next generation” (for our children), therefore, we want to realize a sustainable society where people can enjoy life (blue skies). This slogan continues to represent Honda’s passion toward its environmental commitment which has not wavered and will remain resolute in the future.The Honda global environmental symbol shown on the above was chosen as the symbol for the environmental slogan. The environmental slogan and environmental symbol will be used in future environmental activities and communication throughout the world, both within and beyond the Honda Group.

1 comment:

  1. As we move through this Holiday Season it's a great time to look forward to many more of these special family times. We all hold the keys to the future, and the environment is just one aspect of that future that I for one hope to do my best to preserve for my children and theirs. Honda is in a position to make a huge impact on the environment and as stated above is not just talking the talk...they are indeed walking the walk. I'm pretty proud to respresent the Honda Automobile Product here at Honda Cars of Bradenton. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


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