Thursday, June 21, 2012

Green, Greener, Greenest - Honda's Eye to the Future

Honda Issues Environmental Annual Report 2012

Honda Motor Co., Ltd. today issued the Honda Environmental Annual Report 2012 (Japanese language version), summarizing results of the company’s environmental initiatives for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012, as well as targets for the current fiscal year ending March 31, 2013. In order to address climate change and energy issues, which Honda views as most important in business management, Honda has established targets to reduce CO2 emissions from its motorcycles, automobiles and power products sold worldwide. In addition, striving to minimize the environmental footprint of its corporate activities in Japan, Honda has developed mid-term plans for environmental initiatives related to corporate activities. In the report, Honda discloses a wide range of information, including such targets and plans as well as progress made during the previous fiscal year.
Published annually since 1999 which makes this year’s report the 15th edition, the Honda Environmental Annual Report serves both as an annual report on the targets and progress of environmental initiatives based on the Honda Environmental Statement released in 1992, and as a communication tool for collecting feedback and comments from a broad range of outside parties regarding Honda environmental policies and practices.

To download the Honda Environmental Annual Report 2012 (Japanese language version) and another detailed document about some of Honda’s environmental initiatives, please access to:

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