Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Honda Joins EPRI, Utilities and Automakers to Help Create an Open Grid Integration Platform for Plug-in Electric Vehicles

"This project is an important step in enabling plug-in vehicles to reach their potential as a valuable distributed resource that can increase grid stability, improve power quality and reduce demand peaks," said Steven Center, vice president of the Environmental Business Development Office at American Honda. "Honda is participating in several projects aimed at accelerating vehicle-to-grid integration, which has the potential to reduce the total cost of owning a plug-in vehicle while enabling higher concentrations of renewable energy."

Project seeks to develop a streamlined platform for vehicle-grid functionality that can help create value for drivers, improve grid reliability and reduce GHG emissions

Honda pioneered a similar demonstration effort with IBM and PG&E (V1G)

Honda is participating in a vehicle-to-grid (V2G) demonstration with the University of Delaware and NRG Energy

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