Saturday, June 25, 2016

Our Collision-Free Future - The Power of Dreams continues...


Creating a world where collisions no longer happen is one of our most monumental dreams yet, and we’re already working toward making it come true. Join us on our mission to reduce collisions by 50% by 2020, and make them a thing of the past by 2040.

We are passionate about the safety of not just everyone who gets in a Honda, but of everyone who shares the road with them too — from other drivers, to bicyclists, to pedestrians.

That’s why we are leading society toward a radically transformed mobility experience, one that is safer than most can currently even imagine. Our goal is a world where collisions simply no longer happen.

We call this dream a Cooperative Car Society, and we’re already working hard to make it real. It will be made possible by a remarkable convergence of technologies, including self-driving cars, connectivity between vehicles and everyone else on the road, and other unprecedented collision-stopping capabilities.

“We have a responsibility — to each other, to our industry, and, most importantly, to society — to think bigger.” —Frank Paluch, President of Honda R&D Americas, Inc.

On the way to building this collision-free world, highly automated vehicles will become the platform for a completely transformed mobility experience.

By the Year 2020

People, vehicles and infrastructure will be connected like never before through an omni-directional safety system. New technologies will emerge that will help to reduce driver workload and enable a 50% reduction in collisions involving Honda vehicles.

By the Year 2030

It won’t be only cars that are connected now. By this time technology will have comprehensively linked all road users, including pedestrians, bicyclists and motorcycle riders.

By the Year 2040

Honda-connected vehicles will be collision-free, paving the way for radical changes in the way people move and live. We wholeheartedly expect our efforts in this area to inspire other vehicle makers too, and we look forward to being inspired by them in turn.

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