Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Ipads and Smartphones are in the House(Honda Cars of Bradenton)

Let me know if your shopping behavior is changing. That is, your 'online' shopping behavior. Reports have it, that day after day, more and more consumers are using their mobile device to gather an abundance of information about making their next car purchase.

Are you shopping on your Smartphone or with your tablet?

This was the conclusion that was drawn by Jumptap, a Cambridge, Massachusetts firm that specializes in mobile advertising. This firm also wants to provide value added information to auto manufacturers so that they can target their car-buying more precisely and in a more timely fashion.

Turns out Jumptap did extensive statistical analysis, aka, number crunching, of Internet traffic from comScore. They found that internet traffic to mobile automotive sites is ramping up...not just in a linear fashion...but EXPONENTIALLY!

Historically online auto sites are growing by 30% per year. While Mobile auto site traffic is growing in three digit % figures. Some reports have that figure over 400% year over year.

Personally I know that over the past year my own personal shopping on the internet has grown dramatically...and the percentage of those purchases have been made using my Android phone.

Now I guess I'm just another statistic. What about you?


  1. Nomura forecast Samsung's tablet sales at 7.5 million units this year, far outpacing estimates of 2.4 million for Acer, two million units for Motorola and 1.4 million units for RIM.

  2. From my archives I pulled this report...Apple sold 4.69 million iPads in the last quarter, the company reported in an earnings call Wednesday. That's a sharp decline from the 7.33 million iPads sold during the fourth quarter, though that included the peak holiday sales season. Huge numbers.... At this rate how many iPads will each home have? in 2012,2013...?

  3. FYI...from that April 20,2011 article: Apple sold 3.76 million Macs during the quarter, a 28 percent unit increase over the year-ago quarter - the 20th consecutive quarter Apple outperformed the PC market, Apple chief financial officer Peter Oppenheimer said. Apple said it is on track to ship OS X "Lion" this quarter.

    Apple sold 18.65 million iPhones in the quarter, representing 113 percent unit growth over the year-ago quarter. Apple also sold 9.02 million iPods during the quarter, representing a 17 percent unit decline from the year-ago quarter. Apple sold 2.94 million Macintosh computers during the first quarter of 2010, 8.75 million iPhones, and 10.89 million iPods.

    Apple also sold 4.69 million iPads, a steep decline from the 7.33 million iPads the company sold during the fourth quarter, during the peak holiday sales season. However, Apple was not able to compare them with sales figures from a year ago, as the company had not yet established a full quarter's worth of results for the iPad.


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