Tuesday, April 28, 2015

"The sky is the limit", Don't Believe It!

The sky used to be a reasonable limit.  Perhaps metaphorically for most but not for Honda. Last June 2014 Honda's first production jet took flight.  These days, at Honda it would seem that 'the sky' is just another milestone.  As the potential for new forms of transportation are without limit.  The Sky and Beyond.  Take a look at the Honda Jet.

With the completion and flight of Honda's first production Business Jet the future is exciting. There's a market for business jets and the benefits are depicted in the illustration below:

There's one profoundly evident characteristic that has gone without mention.  It's public recognition will likely occur at the knee of the curve of that market acceptance curve.  Please watch the first video clip from May 2014 and the more recent video from June 2014, and share your thoughts..

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